Unlocking the Power of Knowledge Sharing: A Win-Win-Win for Everyone

Ashish Khetan

January 10, 2023

Encountering a group of highly talented and enthusiastic fund managers in the alternative space, I frequently hear about the daunting challenge of breaking into the top echelons of the wealth management industry. The reasons often cited include exceedingly high commercial expectations or a focus on “selling” a single product at a time.  But isn’t our business about providing advice and offering all relevant products to our clients?

Most of these funds have therefore had to dig into their networks and raise funds directly. And they have done a fairly decent job at that. 

What if there was a non-commercial platform where investment ideas and rationales could be shared? This approach to knowledge sharing would benefit everyone involved: advisors could exchange ideas and strategies, and investors could learn about new opportunities. It’s a win-win-win situation that could revolutionize the wealth management industry.

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ashish-khetan-78391421_knowledgesharing-breakingcartels-knowledgesharing-activity-6970949587901591552-rUIr?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop


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